The Naysayers

Dear God, please save us from the naysayers! The naysayers that have never, in their entire life, done anything remarkable.

You know the ones;

The naysayers who always have an opinion about what you should do and not do. They are the ones who live a tedious life; worked the same job for more than a decade; married the girl next door because they had known each other all their lives. They have meatloaf on Wednesday night, and fried chicken on Sunday after church services in the neighborhood church. The one who votes the same way as their parents. They go to his in-laws for Thanksgiving and his parents for Christmas. On New Year’s Eve, the couple attends the celebration at the local Lion’s Club, (or an equal) and returns home as fast as possible to retire for the night. They cut their lawn on Saturday. The shopping is done on Saturday as well. The house is cleaned on Frida, the wash is done on Monday, the ironing is done on Tuesday, week in and week out month after month and year after year. They are predictable, steadfast, and set in their way. You can set your clock by them and know their calendar of events because it never changes!

Tedious Life Path

Heaven forbid, you attempt to step off the tedious life path to do something different. The naysayers will suffer an attack of apoplexy! Did your parents not teach you the only path to success is to get a real job, keep your head down, keep your nose to the grindstone, work hard, and do whatever the boss tells you to do? They will have plenty to say about your gullibility, your mental lapse for even thinking of doing something different, and of it’ questionable legitimacy. How could you, in your right mind, think there is a better path to becoming a success?

And they will gladly list all the reasons you should not do it.

  • Were you out of your mind?
  • That is a scam.
  • It is too hard to do.
  • Who do you think you are?
  • A paycheck is dependable.
  • You cannot succeed.
  • It is not a real job.
  • What were you thinking?
  • Have you lost your mind?
  • You are giving up your family’s security.
  • Do the right thing; get your job back.
  • Be sensible.
  • No honest man ever got rich!

So, what do you do?

What do you do when you are bombarded from every side with all the negativity? Not only from your immediate family but from extended family as well. These are people who raised you; who taught you right from wrong. You trusted them your entire life to protect you, to give you sound advice every time you went to them with a problem. And now, suddenly, you are going to turn your back on what they have to say about this sudden folly? How do you take a different tack in your livelihood without disrespecting them and everything they taught you growing up?

For some unexplainable reason,

You have begun to see things, workwise, differently from the old standard tried-and-true work ethic of your forbearers. Because you have not had your head down, you have seen that it has become increasingly more difficult for employees to make ends meet and to get a well-deserved raise. You have seen that there are more and more union employees having to fight with corporate management to receive a raise for a better standard of living.  Going out on strikes, sometimes for weeks on end, putting their family’s security and livelihood in jeopardy, was the last-ditch effort to get what they wanted. What they felt they needed to survive.  

You also see that the corporate ladder in which you could move up has missing rungs, or is much shorter than in days-of-yore. And, it has come to the point that a family of the same size as when you were a child requires both husband and wife to have outside jobs to maintain the same lifestyle standard as your mom and dad.  

How quickly standards have changed in a generation! You realize that everything has changed as if the world has turned onto its ear.

You may find you are asking yourself;

  • How do I keep up?
  • What changes can I make?
  • If the long-time established businesses are shutting down, how can I start and maintain a successful business?
  • What would that business be?
  • Is there a business that can withstand the current economic situation?
  • And if I find one, will it cost me my life savings in the long term?

Take heart, you motivated independent thinker! There is just such a business available and waiting for you, dispite what the naysayers think. Here are some things to consider;

  • If you were willing to work hard for 8 hours a day 50 weeks a year to make your boss rich, are you willing to do the same thing for yourself?
  • Are you willing to continue to think outside the box; i.e., change your mindset?
  • Would you follow the steps and instructions of someone who has achieved great success and has a lifestyle like what you desire?
  • Are you the type of employee you would hire when you are the boss?
  • Can you be a better employee for yourself as the boss than you were working for the man?
  • Do you understand the concept that no one achieves great success alone?
  • Are you willing to work with a group of people seeking the same type of financial freedom you desire?
  • Can you recognize integrity when it looks you in the face?
  • Are you willing to help others achieve success?
  • Can you get out of your way, stop doubting yourself, and accept great success?
  • Do you have a lifelong dream you would strive to have now being your boss?
  • What do you have to lose vs. what do you have to gain?

I am no expert on the answer to these questions for your life. I only know what answering these questions for myself, diving headlong into the unknown abyss, turned out to be for me.

  • For one thing, I am learning to believe in myself again as I secretly did as a kid.
  • I say who I am and what I should be and do.
  • I am not afraid to fail because, like Edison, I learned from that failed experience how to do it better.
  • In this new business, I am having the time of my life.
  • As in the last two lines of Invictus by Henley, I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. It is important to realize that for true freedom.
  • Each day is a new adventure full of new and different experiences.
  • I determine my worth, my goals, my future, and my lifestyle.

There are endless things I have learned, once I distanced myself from the naysayers, and I hope to continue learning to the end of my day. If you want to take hold of the helm of your life-ship, become the captain of your soul and the master of your fate, I know a great place to begin (and continue) doing just that. Life is a cabaret, my friend if you are brave enough to open the door and walk through it.

Come, join us! We welcome you with open arms and tons and tons of support.