Another School Shooting is in the News. Far too often, these have been the headlines for several days Unfortunately, the ages of these alleged shooters range between 12 to 18 years of age. For a few hours to a couple of days, these shootings fade from the lead news item.
According to Statista,
- between 1982 and September 2024, a deplorable 145 mass shootings incidents out of 151 (82%) in the U.S. were perpetrated by white males (145).
- Statically only four mass shootings these mass have been carried out by women.
- Aug 12, 2024 — Between 1970 and June 16, 2020, 175 school shootings were perpetrated by 17-year-olds.
- 16-year-olds perpetrated the second highest number of school shootings, with 163 shootings.
A mass shooting as defined by Statista, is a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed, excluding the shooter themselves.
Generally, the shooter was waiting in the building or they were gaining access after classes had started. In Texas, the shooter was at the top of a tower on campus. Some of the shooters have posted on social media their intentions; and have easy access to assault weapons. Some have a history of violence or mental health issues. Sometimes some signs and warnings were ignored.
If you want to know the statics for yourself and you are doing a Google search for information on the subject, prepare to be there for a very long time. 10 pages you can can be found in the search listings. I conclude there should be zero pages to search.
The point I am making is, our children are not safe in our public schools and the statistics are grim.
- Surprisingly, School shooting are recorded as early as in1966s.
- Undeniably, they escalated in late 1990 with 13 killed at Columbine.
- Between 2010 and 2020, 26 died at Sandy Hook. 10 died at Santa Fe. and 17 died at Parkland.
- In 2020, at Uvalde 21 died.
- In 2023, there were 350 shooting incidents at schools in the US and U.S. territories.
- In addition, the US reports, 3 million children PER YEAR are exposed to shootings!
- Nealy 4,000 children and teens are shot and killed.
- An additional 15,000 are shot and injured.
- Teachers and administrators are injured and die.
Check the K-12 School Data Base by David Riedman.
The devastating effects of Another school shooting is in the news has on our children
- Children witnessing shootings, exposed to violence, crime, and abuse, are more inclined to abuse drugs and alcohol.
- Usually, these children suffer from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
- With these physical and psychological disorders, some of these children fail or have difficulties in school; and engage in criminal activity.
- experiencing a school shooting changes the children forever.
Obviously, we want to know our Children are Safe in Their Schools. However, They No Longer are!
Certainly, children need school for their education. As a result, we sent our children to the time honored practice of the school buildings in the neighborhood. Consequently, we felt they were safely housed is sturdy buildings with adult supervision. Meanwhile, times changed. Formerly, households were supported by one working parent.
Before school shootings and Covid-19 homeschooling was a radical idea. As a result of Covid-19 especially, parents were exposed to classes conducted at home online. In other words, they realized there was an alternative to the standard practice of dragging your children out of bed as the sun is rising, putting them on a bus for a 30+ minute ride to school to sit in a classroom for hours. After that, they rode the bus home to an empty house with a ton of homework to finish before bedtime. Additionally, due to school shootings, the degree of safety parents felt no longer exists.
To Sum Up,
What is the answer? Unquestionably, It’s safe to say this program is not widely-known. Despite that fact, it is the most innovative, safe schooling solution available to all students and to adults who need a quality education. Most important, it is without a political agenda. An education that deals primarily with the basics; reading, math, and language, taught in a manner that gives the student confidence in their abilities.
In conclusion. This is the best solution to avoid hearing Another School Shooting is in the News!
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