Another School Shooting on the News

During the ‘Today’ show, Another School Shooting on the news. The alleged shooter, (you have to say alleged) was a 17-year-old boy.

This shooting happened just as children were entering the school. The shooter was waiting in the building. He even posted on social media a comment about his waiting. That pretty much states his intention.

School shootings, shatter lives. Today, a six-year-old student died. A school administrator underwent surgery and is in critical condition. Sadly, the alleged shooter was a boy of 17. The administrator was distracting the boy allowing trapped children to escape danger.

The point I am making is our children are not safe in our public schools and the statistics are grim.

  • School shooting shit recorded in 1966s.
  • They escalated in late 1990 with 13 killed at Columbine.
  • Between 2010 and 2020, 26 died at Sandy Hook. 10 died at Santa Fe. and 17 died at Parkland.
  • In 2020, 21 died at Uvalde.
  • In 2023, there were 350 shooting incidents at schools in the US and territories.
  • In the US, 3 million children are exposed to shootings PER YEAR!
  • Nealy 4,000 children and teens are shot and killed.
  • An additional 15,000 are shot and injured.
  • Teachers and administrators are injured and die.

Check the K-12 School Data Base by David Riedman.

The devastating effects on our children

  • Children witnessing shootings, exposed to violence, crime, and abuse, are more inclined to abuse drugs and alcohol.
  • Usually, these children suffer from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • With these physical and psychological disorders, these children fail or have difficulties in school; and engage in criminal activity.

We worry about the safety of our children in school. Clearly; they are not safe within the building.

Our first inclination is to keep them home for their safety. Parents felt a degree of confidence knowing their children were safely in the school building under adult supervision. Realistically, they need to go to school for their education. In quite a few households today, it is necessary for both parents to work outside the home. That degree of confidence no longer exists.

Some households cannot afford to lose one income. Children need an education if they are going to survive in the adult world and have a chance of a job with a decent income. In households in which one parent stays home, they may not feel confident in their ability to provide the necessary homeschooling level their child needs for their future.

What is the answer? It’s safe to say this not widely-known program is available to all students and to adults who need a quality education without a political agenda. An education that deals primarily with the basics; reading, math, and language, taught in a manner that gives the student confidence in their abilities.

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