Five Stones and Crystals for Debt Freedom

Five Stones and Crystals for Debt Freedom. They help clear you thoughts so you can see solutions leading to financial freedom.

  • When we hear the word crystal, the visual that comes to mind varies depending on our experience. For example; the fancy glassware that is set out for holiday and special occasion dinners. The pretty stones that are used in fancy jewelry. Then there was the reoccurrence of the hippy/new age fascination with the stones. But this fascination isn’t a new thing; it actually goes back for more than 3 millennium. Crystals are pretty and used to embellish most in jewelry and on clothing.  
  • Early man discovered that crystals of different colors vibrated in a different frequency. And with that, they discovered those different vibrations affected different parts of the body. Often those vibrations altered an ailment an individual was suffering at that time. Ergo, they were used for healing.
  • Now, I could give you the history of crystal usage and the benefits thereof, but being human, we most often want the shortcuts. We want to get to the heart of things as quickly as possible. We probably don’t want to know what crystal is going to cure our lumbago, or keep our hair from thinning. We may not even believe that a simple pretty little crystal can calm our jittery nerves. We want to know if there is a crystal or group thereof that can bring good stuff into our lives. More wealth, reduce our debt. Luckily, there is!

Let’s start with debt.

  • You cannot begin to accumulate wealth if you are up to you lips in debt. That’s like the cart driving the horse. And you cannot reduce your debt if you run out a purchase the next new shinny object that catches your eye every time you go out shopping.
  • The positive effect of money magnet crystal will help you to break your urge to impulse shop and establish a healthier financial pattern for reducing debt. These crystals provide an optimistic outlook that enables you to take advantage of opportunities for growth especially when faced with debt. Overwhelming debt from medical debt, student loans, and unexpected expenditures such as high-cost auto repairs. These crystals and stones provide the light at the end of the debt tunnel, my friends.
  • If your money mindset had been in a state of lacking, the more you feel as if you are drowning financially. You know, no matter how fast you tread water, no matter how hard you kick, your lips are still sinking below water. Crystal energy can be the uplifting life raft during moments like these. It supports you; it calms you, and it gives off grounding energy. In a calmer mind frame, you can be more analytical and look for the solutions that you were unable to recognize while your mind was panicking.

Furthermore, when poor money situations have us backed into that huge debt corner, we tend to take the tortoise approach of slow-and-steady wins the day. Anything risky is shortstopping scary. Not the pulling our heads into our shell method.

There is a saying, “When the pain of being the same is bad enough you’ll make a change.”  Therefore, by taking a different tack, by doing something different pays off in unexpected ways.

Undoubtedly, that takes more courage than we thought we possessed. Given a chance and sticking to the new direction we have embarked upon, these crystals will fortify our spirit with courage, enhanced decision-making skills and motivation. Ultimately, we can transform our debt into abundance.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. Exactly which crystals possess the magical potential to help reduce debt ? And which increase financial wealth? Below are our favorite crystals for debt are for success.

Iolite: This beautiful blue stone acts as your financial advisor. It encourages you to make wise decisions and smart choices about money. Use the savvy energy of Iolite to create your own financial plan, or budget, that supports your long-term goals. Iolite is recommended as a stone for combatting debt because it emphasizes the unhelpful mindsets or patterns in which you have engage. Whether it’s spending money you don’t have, or feeling too defeated by debt to save. Iolite’s energy guides you; it helps you to see the big-picture so you can set yourself up for success.

The next helpful stone:

Image result for malachite

Malachite: Malachite is a top green crystal for money. It gives you the tough love vibrations you need to make necessary changes in your life, especially when it comes to finances. As the saying goes, “Doing the same thing the same way over and over, expecting a different result is insanity!”  As a stone of transformation, Malachite inspires you to turn your financial situation around. To implement new habits, behaviors and patterns that support you and your financial goals. The Malachite stone also fills you with determination and motivation to take action each and every day. 

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Amethyst: The calming vibes of Amethyst brings clarity. A clear mind make better decisions. You can see that in any horror movie when the character is crazed with fear, they walk into danger. One of the reasons that Amethyst crystal is believed beneficial in areas of success and business is it elevates mental cognizance. In a state of extreme stress, we miss or don’t recognize and don’t’ pursue finance altering opportunities for growth. Using an Amethyst crystal can benefit with your relaxation and center your thoughts. With a calm and clear perspective, you are able to see and take advantage of opportunities for change.

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Below are two are Quartz.

Smoky Quartz: If restrictive beliefs concerning money are stopping you, Smoky Quartz is here to help you. This is a stone of releasing. Smoky Quartz allows you to relinquish all unwanted negative energies, thoughts, beliefs, and stories to your stone. Turned over to your Smoky Quartz, your life if free of hampering energies.  

Phantom Quartz: Last but never least, is Phantom Quartz. If significant roadblocks and obstacles are impeding you from reaching a debt-free life, you need this Phantom Quartz. This stone has specters, or inclusions, within it that represent its growth and evolution over time. Connecting with a Phantom Quartz encourages you to embrace your own growth and evolution, especially as it pertains to your financial life.

Well, folks. There you have it. Five must-have stones and crystals to encourage reaching a debt-free future and help move you closer to financial independence. Instead of ordering these stones and crystals online, I recommend you find a gem store in your area. Go in, feel the five stones and crystals listed above. BE OPEN MINDED. You will know the right one for you by what you feel in the palm of your hand.

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